CIW Related Exams
1D0-61A Exam
Evonka is listening to music from an online music provider (such as Pandora or Jango). She builds a list of music preferences, including favorite songs. The music service then suggests additional songs she might enjoy. The music provider is an example of a cloud-computing application that uses a technology for collaborative filtering, which helps define the list of songs available to listeners. Which term describes this technology?
Emelia and Lola have created a new software application that allows messaging site subscribers to analyze the message statistics in order to more easily assess and interact with followers. They have decided to license this software according to the GNU GPL Version 3. What does this license allow them to do with their software?
You opened an e-mail attachment and it launches a virus. The virus takes control of your system and you are unable to run your anti-virus software. Which of the following is the best step for you to take next?