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Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam Dumps : Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer (SU24)

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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam Dumps FAQs

Q. # 1: What is the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer (SU24) Exam?

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer (SU24) Exam is a certification test that validates a candidates expertise in developing and customizing marketing applications within the Salesforce Marketing Cloud ecosystem.

Q. # 2: Who is the target audience for the Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam?

The Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam is intended for developers who have hands-on experience with Salesforce Marketing Cloud, including creating personalized messages, landing pages, and using Marketing Cloud scripting languages.

Q. # 3: What topics are covered in the Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam?

The Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam focuses on four key areas:

  • Email Studio and Automation (30%)
  • Data Management (22%)
  • Social Studio and Mobile Marketing (18%)
  • Journey Builder and Analytics (30%)

Q. # 4: How many questions are on the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer (SU24) Exam?

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer (SU24) Exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and up to 5 unscored questions.

Q. # 5: What is the duration of the Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam?

The Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam duration is 105 minutes.

Q. # 6: What is the passing score for the Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam?

A minimum score of 63% is required to pass the Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam.

Q. # 7: What is the difference between Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer and Industries-CPQ-Developer Exams?

The Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer and Industries-CPQ-Developer exams focus on different aspects of the Salesforce platform and target distinct skill sets. Here's a breakdown of the key differences between the two:

  • Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer: The Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam is for developers who specialize in building and managing marketing campaigns on Salesforce Marketing Cloud. It’s ideal for those looking to enhance their expertise in marketing automation, scripting, and cloud-based marketing tools.
  • Salesforce Industries-CPQ-Developer: The Salesforce Industries-CPQ-Developer Exam is for developers focusing on Salesforce Industries and CPQ. It is suitable for those working in industries that require complex product configurations, pricing models, and quoting solutions, typically within manufacturing, telecom, and other industries with complex product catalogs.

Q. # 8: How can CertsTopics help me prepare for the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer (SU24) Exam?

CertsTopics provides top-notch preparation study materials, including Marketing-Cloud-Developer study guide, questions and answers, and practice tests designed by experts. Our Marketing-Cloud-Developer study materials are 100% accurate, regularly updated, and designed to give you the best chance of passing the Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer (SU24) Exam on your first attempt.

Q. # 9: Where can I find authentic Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Developer Exam Dumps?

You can find authentic and up-to-date Marketing-Cloud-Developer exam dumps on CertsTopics. Our Marketing-Cloud-Developer dumps material are carefully curated to reflect the latest exam content, and we offer instant access once the payment is completed.

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Yes, CertsTopics offers a satisfaction guarantee with a refund policy. If you are not satisfied with the Marketing-Cloud-Developer study materials, you can request a refund under specific terms and conditions.

Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Developer (SU24) Questions and Answers

Question 1

NTO uses data extensions to manage the subscriber information usedfor their email sends, and those sends includes calls to update records with new or different subscriber information. The developer handling these records writes some AMPscript to check and see if the data extension containing those records updated usingan InsertDE() call if the record doesn't yet exist. Why would the developer receive an error stating the application cannot insert a duplicate value for the primary key in the data extension?



The InsertDE function will always insert two rows into a data extension as part of the call


The InsertDE function cannot be used with name and value pairs


The InsertDE function comes after the system added the row as part of the email send


The InsertDE function cannot be used at send time

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Question 2

NTO wants to trigger a receipt email via the SOAP API whenever a customer makes a purchase. Their developer wrote the call using the TriggerSendDefinition object and the Create method, but noemails have been sent during his initial testing. Which object and method should the developer use?



TriggerSend object and Update method


TriggerSend object and Create method


TriggerSendDefinition object and Execute method


TriggerSendDefinitionobject and Update method

Question 3

A developer is writing a query to select unique subscribers who opened any emails sent since the beginning of the previous day.

Which querywould provide that result?






Option A


Option B


Option C