Okta Related Exams
Okta-Certified-Administrator Exam

When using Okta Expression Language, which of the following will have the output: okta.com
Solution: String.substringBefore("abc@okta.com", "@okta.com")
The Okta On-Prem MFA Agent acts as a Radius client and communicates with the RADIUS enabled On-Prem server, including RSA Authentication manager for RSA SecurIDs. This basically allows your organization to leverage Second Factor from a variety of On-Premises multifactor authentication tools.
Solution: The statement is partically true - as it has nothing to do with RSA
In Okta's KB articles the set of functions under the 'Provisioning' concept are referred to as CRUD. This is a concept you also meet when referring to CRUD APIs. What about its meaning here, in Okta's vision?
Solution: In 'Provisioning', CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete