PRMIA Related Exams
8007 Exam

An underlying asset price is at 100, its annual volatility is 25% and the risk free interest rate is 5%. A European call option has a strike of 85 and a maturity of 40 days. Its Black-Scholes price is 15.52. The options sensitivities are: delta = 0.98; gamma = 0.006 and vega = 1.55. What is the delta-gamma-vega approximation to the new option price when the underlying asset price changes to 105 and the volatility changes to 28%?
Suppose a discrete random variable can take on the values -1, 0 and 1 each with a probability of 1/3. Then the mean and variance of the variable is
Find the roots, if they exist in the real numbers, of the quadratic equation