ECCouncil Related Exams
412-79v10 Exam

If a web application sends HTTP cookies as its method for transmitting session tokens, it may be vulnerable which of the following attacks?
Security auditors determine the use of WAPs on their networks with Nessus vulnerability scanner which identifies the commonly used WAPs.
One of the plug-ins that the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner uses is ID #11026 and is named “Access Point Detection”. This plug-in uses four techniques to identify the presence of a WAP.
Which one of the following techniques is mostly used for uploading new firmware images while upgrading the WAP device?
Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application (e.g. what the software does) without peering into its internal structures or workings. Black-box testing is used to detect issues in SQL statements and to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Most commonly, SQL injection vulnerabilities are a result of coding vulnerabilities during the Implementation/Development phase and will likely require code changes. Pen testers need to perform this testing during the development phase to find and fix the SQL injection vulnerability.
What can a pen tester do to detect input sanitization issues?